Minutes from previous meetings.
Minutes of SBE Chapter 55 Noon meeting January 23, 2025 at Hubbard Studios
John Masters called the meeting to order at 11:54am.
(Bob and Terrence not present.)
Introductions were done.
Minutes of previous meeting were submitted and approved.
Treasurer report: No change, just the four usual expenses for the chapter.
Committee reports: Nothing local new with EAS, The presentation today is
any thing you would want to know about EAS. (with Chris Tarr)
Membership/Certification: Vern Jackson is handling the Membership and
Certification filings.
Nothing New on Interference/and freq. co-ord.
Old Business: Nothing reported.
New Business: No presentations are on tap for February.
Frank Absher is re-presenting for the March 27th meeting. (Very interesting)
Bob continues to call for help in locating presentations or tours for our
Nothing added for “the good of the chapter.”
We adjourned at 11:59am
Respectfully submitted by: Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 minutes of our Holiday Dinner meeting, December 5th, 2024
(at the Hearth Room, Town & Country MO.) 6:30pm Scheduled.
Called to order by John Masters (Vice Chair) 6:45pm
Introductions were made.
Minutes were approved.
Treasurer report: in good shape with minimal expenses and nothing
unusual with expenses.
Committee reports: EAS– Sage discontinues manufacturing their
model 3644 unit but will support/repair units already sold.
Membership: no new information.
Co-Ord/interference ” ” “
Nothing reported for old business.
New business: January 23rd 2025 is with Chris Tarr with EAS info
which continues to have changes and new event codes imposed by the FCC.
In the March meeting we have scheduled Frank Absher for a presentation (always interesting)
Bob Hoffman is always looking for presentation Ideas and is looking for help finding same.
Existing officers have all agreed to continue in current duties (no nominations or self nominations)
Vern Jackson will be the new Chapter 55 Membership/Certification Chairman, replacing
Don Strauss, who has decided to resign the position after many years of service to the chapter.
We adjourned at 7:00pm
Respectfully submitted by– Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 Minutes October 24-2024 (noon mtg. at Hubbard Studios)
Call to order: 12:06pm (John)
Introductions were done
Minutes were submitted.
Treasurer Report: Continued good shape. Only limited expenses.
Committee Reports: No NPT but FCC expects Form 1 to have been submitted.
Nothing reported pertaining to membership/Certifications.
Freq. Co-ord/Interference: Nothing new.
Nothing with Old Business
New Business: No meeting in November of course
December 5th Meeting/ officer elections 6:30pm.
The Hearth Room Town and country Lamp/Lantern Village
The January meeting should have Chris Tarr with revised EAS requirements
Per John Masters: A possible meeting tour of EPC Computers (Zeumbehl Rd)
could be arranged. They do a lot of recycling also.
There is a new Self Inspection document for AM stations at the National SBE
Nothing new for “the good of the Chapter”
We adjourned at 12:17pm
Respectfully submitted by Tom Lyons
Chapter 55 SBE Noon Meeting Aug 16th at KTVI Transmitter site (minutes)
Chairman Terrence called meeting to order 11:54am
Introductions were made.
Minutes were submitted/approved.
Treasurer report with accounts in good shape. Lunches, Christmas dinner, filing fees are some of the expenses.
Committee reports: EAS–NO NPT this year, ETRS form 1 STILL expected by FCC by October 4th
CERT/Membership- Re-certification for Jay Pierce
Co-ord/Interference- Nothing new reported.
Old business: (none)
New Business:
* Sept 26th ’24 Lunch and tour of the American (community) tower site.
* October 24th, (at Hubbard Studios) Wayne Pecena of SBE will update us on the latest on cyber security.
* The First Thursday in December we conduct our Christmas party dinner and social, with Chapter officer elections,
at the Hearth Room in Town/Country
* Bob Moore is looking for presenters for a Chapter 59/ MBA Tech conference in 2025
* Bob Hoffman is also appealing for assistance in finding presentations for our monthly meetings.
Nothing for “the good of the chapter” submitted
We adjourned at 12:01pm
Respectfully submitted by
Tom Lyons
Chapter 55 SBE Noon Meeting July 25th 2024 at Hubbard Studios.
(Chairman and Vice Chair absent) Called to order by Bob Hoffman 12:05pm
Introductions were made.
Minutes were submitted before (not featured)
Treasurer report with Accounts in good shape.
Committee reports: EAS–New info scheduled for todays program.
Cert./Membership- No new info.
Co-ord/Interference- Nothing new reported.
Old business: (none)
New business: August meeting is Friday Aug-16th at Channel 2/11
Tower site. ATSC3 study?
*September meeting is a luncheon at the maintower site (American Tower)
*October meeting- Wayne Pecena from SBE National has a study of IT security.
*December-Holiday party at the Hearth Room (Town & Country)
on first Thursday in December. (6:00 PM)
*Bob Moore is looking for presenters for the 2025 MBA convention.
For the good of the Chapter: Salesman Oather Kelly , known to many
broadcasters and engineers is (as of this writing) receiving hospice care.
Frank Absher brought 2 pieces of old equipment for auction. The St. Louis
Media History Organization is running out of storage room.
We adjourned at 12:25pm
Respectfully submitted by Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 Minutes March 28-2024 (noon mtg. at Hubbard Studios)
Call to order: 12:05pm (Terrence)
Introductions were done
Minutes were submitted and approved.
Treasurer Report: Continued good shape. another CD will mature to
roll to a current higher rate investment.
Committee Reports: EAS The last extension (Sage) is long elapsed. We hope
to get a time from Bob Moore for final new Mo. plan clearification.
Nothing reported pertaining to membership/Certifications.
Freq. Co-ord/Interference: Nothing new.
Nothing with Old Business
New: There is proposed to award a scholarship offer to a deserving student
or early in career engineer to either Ennes Classes or College/Technical
Classes that will further engineering skills.
April 25th- 6:30pm at Hubbard with Lumenserve Tower Lighting (new
products and new Regulations of course)
For the good of the Chapter: A pointed suggestion to have some (more) TV
presentations (not just radio)
We adjourned at 12:21pm to videos with the late and legendary Bob Heil.
Respectfully submitted by-
Tom Lyons
Chapter 55 Minutes from February 27 2024 evening meeting
at Hubbard Studios
Called to order 7:04 pm. (Terrence)
Introductions were made.
Minutes were submitted, approved.
Treasury: In Good shape–C/D rolled over on 02/24/’24
Committee reports:
EAS: Sage update is available now through Dealers/distributors.
@$159,00 e.g. BSWUSA (our presenter for this eve.)
March 11th is deadline for this update to be operational.
Cert/Membership: Nothing new noted.
CO-ORD/ Interference — Craig Rutledge is wanting for Co-ord
purposes real data (not just license status) on actual use of UHF
RPU frequencies since a lot of other means of RPU are avail and in use.
Nothing reported for old Business.
For the Good of the Chapter: Still looking for help with presentation and
meeting program co-ordination.
We adjourned at 7:14pm to a quality presentation of Air Chain issues by
Respectfully submitted by,
Tom Lyons
Chapter 55 Minutes from January 25, 2024 meeting at KMOV new studios
Called to order 7:09 pm. (Terrence)
Introductions were made.
Minutes were submitted
Treasury: good shape same expenses reported before.
Committee reports: EAS–Bob Moore notifies the expectation of official new
Missouri State EAS plan in about 2 months. There are monitoring changes.
Sage update for CAP overide update delayed again, no real date given.
Cost $139.00. (per John Masters, there are 6 different EAS encoder
Cert/Membership: A new member welcomed– Marcus Wilborn, O’Fallon, IL
Nothing new on Interference, Craig Rutledge (Hubbard) freq. Co-ord.
Nothing reported for old Business.
New business: February meeting is set for TUESDAY Feb 27th at Hubbard
studios @ 6:30 pm BSW and Orban will present the newest
Orban equipment.
For the Good of the Chapter: Still looking for help with presentation and
meeting program co-ordination.
We adjourned at 7:25pm to a facinating tour of the brand new Gray Media
KMOV studios.
Respectfully submitted by,
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 Holiday Meeting December 7th 2023 6:00pm
at the Hearth Room Town & Country Mo.
Call to order by Terrence 6:34pm.
Intros were done.
Minutes Submitted _ (no questions)
Treasurer report: Treasury in good shape with minimal expenses.
(Web Site, Zoom Subscription, IRS form filing, Meals)
Committee: EAS New updates are mandated (unfunded) by FCC. Sage users
get Extra extension to March 11, ’24.
Membership: Nothing new reported.
Frequency Co-ord/Interference: Nothing new reported.
No old business submitted.
New Business: Jan 25th ’24 a tour at New KMOV Studios in Maryland Hts.
For the Good of the Chapter: Need help in finding meeting presentations and
tours. Also need to persist in recruiting new YOUNGER people for the chapter
and Engineering in general.
We adjourned at 6:44pm to a wonderful party and dinner.
Respectfully submitted by
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter Noon Meeting at Hubbard studios September 28, 2023
Called to order by Terrence Dupuis 12:04PM
Introductions were conducted
Minutes approved
Treasurer report: Treasury is in good shape, expenses were Zoom subscription, tax form filing, website,
and meeting meals.
Flowers were sent from Chapter 55 in honor of Dave Obergoenner’s wife’s passing.
Commitee reports:
EAS – NPT still on for October 4th 1:20PM CT
Membership- Chapter 55 welcomes Justin Rucker from Brookfield, AR
Frequency coordination- nothing new
No old business
Kansas City SBE has an Ennes Seminar October 23rd
Nothing new reported for the good of the chapter
Meeting adjourned at 12:12PM
Respectfully submitted by,
Tom Lyons, Secretary
SBE Chapter 55 Noon Meeting at Hubbard Radio Studios August 24, 2023
The Chairman and Vice Chair (Terrence and John Masters) were
absent, So Bob Hoffman called the meeting to order 12:07pm
Introductions were made.
Minutes were submitted on paper but not discussed.
Treasurer report: Good Shape with treasury, with minimal expenses
(The meal for today supplied by Mr. Jay Tyler -Wheatstone)
The required tax and corporate forms will be filed with help from
Summit Tax Service.
Committee reports: EAS: NPT is now scheduled for this year on
October 4th about 1:20pm Central time. (To be sent by CAP)
There is a protocol change with a December 12th deadline for
updates to firmware to the EAS encoders to have CAP as overriding
alerting source (higher ranking than OTA monitoring sources.)
Certification/Membership: Chapter 55 Welcomes new member
Ms. Jenna Hale of Carterville IL
Drew Yount (working at Hubbard) passed SBE Certification test(s)
Frequency Co-ord/Interference: Nothing new reported.
Nothing for Old Business.
New Business: Nothing yet scheduled for a presentation for September
meeting. The Christmas party will be arranged for early December
at the Hearth Room (at Lamp & Lantern Village)
For the good of the chapter: The new member and new Certification
are always good for the chapter.
We adjourned at 12:14pm for the presentation.
Jay Tyler site discussed the latest hardware & software that Wheatstone
introduced at NAB 2023
Respectfully submitted by,
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 Meeting June 22, ’23 at MODOT Head Quarters.
Terrence Called the meeting to order 12:03pm.
Introductions were made.
Minutes were delivered/accepted.
Treasurer report. Minimum expenses, More interest being earned
by our investments.
Committee reports, EAS: Update soon on final Missouri revised Plan
and for this years NPT.
Cert/Membership: We have a new member–
Joseph Rother from Springfield IL.
Freq/Interference: Looks like the 13 Gig Band used
by TV is being considered for “Shared use”
Old Business: John Masters reported on the passing of Buuce Cavens
(who is survived by two daughters) John attended Service held in
Granite City IL.
New Business: No presentation locked in for July, ’23.
Still trying for a Ch 2 Tour with Harris
For the Good of the Chapter: The National office has a webinar–
“Basic RF for IT personnel” on June 29th,
Another webinar on August 17th, Inovonics HD radio products.
We adjourned at 12:16pm for a tour of the MODOT facility.
Respectfully submitted by,
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 Noon Meeting at Next Best Thing Vendor Demo
(At Lutheran Resurrection Church lot.) (May 11th 2023)
Meeting was Called to order 11:45am.
Introductions were made.
Minutes were accepted (not read verbally).
Treasurer report: Good shape with current c/d’s making 4.5% interest.
The only treasury disbursements were: Tax Filings, Website, Meeting lunches,
and Christmas party.
Committee reports: EAS- Nothing new but a reminder on new firmware
on some EAS boxes for CAP msg. to have precedence over same msg.
from a local monitoring source. Sage is supposed to have theirs by June ’23. $$
Membership: Aaron Cox is now full SBE membership
Frequency Co-ord/ Interference: Nothing new reported.
Old Business: Nothing added.
New Business: June 22 meeting probably a noon meeting, at MO-DOT facility
in Town & Country.
Planning a visit with Wheatstone later this summer.
For the good of the Chapter: a Sentimental note: We lost another fine and
capable engineer, Bruce Cavens. His services for May 18th Erwin Chapel in
Granite City IL
We adjourned 11:54am to the many Demos of the Next Best Thing tour.
Respectfully submitted by:
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 In Person meeting (Noon) April 27, 2023
Chairman Terrence Called the meeting to order 12:00 Noon. (@ Hubbard Studios)
Minutes were submitted, approved but not read aloud.
Treasurer Report: Much of the Treasury is earing 4% with 2 new
C/D’s (just re-invested) Bob Hoffman is looking into scholarship
possibilities. Suggested are Manufacturer Classes, Qualified
college or technical school(s) or Ennes Classes.
Committee Reports: EAS: The new Missouri Plan will be “etched
in stone” soon. For the NPT this year, all stations should have form 1
submitted (form 2) the day of the NPT, (date to be determined)
Form 3 after the NPT. Most EAS Decoder/encoder Boxes will need
factory upgrades.
Cert/Membership: We welcome Aaron Cox as SBE member to our
Freq. Co-ord/Interference: Nothing new reported.
No old business submitted.
New Business: The Next Best Thing displays and presentations are
scheduled for May 11th at the (same) Lutheran Church lot just as last
years. 9907 S. Sappington Rd.
We are working for a tour of The MO-DOT headquarters. (June Mtg.)
For the good of the Chapter.?
We adjourned at12:17pm. to BSW and Inovonics zoom tutorial
presenation (very innovative products.)
(Respectfully submitted by:)
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 In Person meeting (Noon) February 23, 2023
(@ Hubbard Studios)
We were called to order 12:08pm.
Introductions were done.
Minutes were submitted and approved.
Treasury is in good shape – will re up for ED Jones CD (new one as the
current CD matures. Only expenses are the new website (Go-Daddy)
and meeting meals/refreshments.
Committee Reports: EAS: at least by December, most EAS units will
require an upgrade (usually software upgrade) to insure CAP server
messages will take precedence over local monitored (of the same)alert.
In most cases these upgrades will cost $$$$.
There is a new EAS Handbook now in effect. (should be downloaded)
CERT/Membership: Nothing new.
Freq. Co-ord/Interference: An itinerant TV production org. asked if
they could occasionally use a 450 or 455 RPU freq. since there is little
current radio RPU activity on these frequencies. (temporary data link?)
The FCC along with the STLMPD were Scanning for interference with
800 MHZ Police radios –Checking for possible interference from the
facilities at 532 DeBaliviere. It was proven NOT from that site or building.
No old business submitted.
New Business: The Next Best Thing displays and presentations are
scheduled for May 11th at the (same) Lutheran Church lot just as last
We are working for a tour of The MO-DOT headquarters.
For the good of the Chapter: Kevin Deitsch from NWS is here today
(great presentation) especially tornado pics and history.
We adjourned at 12:20pm
(Respectfully submitted by:)
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 In Person meeting (Noon) January 19, 2023
(@ Hubbard Studios)
We were called to order 12:04pm.
Introductions were done.
Minutes were submitted and approved.
Treasury is in good shape – Filings all up to date, nominal expenses
during previous year. There are thoughts to offer payment of a
scholarship (with our National SBE meeting rebate check)
Committee Reports: EAS–Bob Moore Has signed off on the following
Change to EAS RMT’s in our region: (state plan MSHP will originate all
RMT’s at 11:18 both am and pm tests. KMOX will relay these RMT’s
(not originate) to the rest of us. (who will relay to the rest of the public)
3rd Tuesdays? There will be scheduled an NPT for 2023 (no actual date
revealed yet). ETRS Form 1 due 01/28/’23- Form 2 due on the actual day
of the test. A recent FEMA EAS test (internet linked) failed.
Nothing reported for Certification/Membership.
For interference report-a few small (rural ?) stations don’t have the
new 5G satellite filters in place yet.
No Old businessreported.
New business– The NWS presentation (delayed from today) will re-
schedule for the February meeting.
Still trying to arrange an ATSC3 Learning Session with KTVI (maybe
with Harris (Gates air?) involvement.
For the good of the Chapter: One of our members is reportedly planning
Retirement from KWMU. (stay tuned)
We adjourned at 12:19pm.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 December 8th 2022 Meeting/ Holiday party at Hearth Room
6:16pm. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Terrence.
Introductions were made.
Minutes were submitted to Terrence (just in time) and accepted.
Treasurer report: Treasury is in good shape /order. Expenses were nominal-
with only Zoom fees, This Holiday dinner, and Filing fees (filings are up to date).
EAS: RMT’s are now originated by MSHP (Third Tuesday 11:18 pm (even
numbered months) 11:18am Odd months. EAS decoders should be enabled for
for “civil authority” and “Broadcaster” for monitoring. BoB Moore can help if
we need.
Nothing new was entered for Certification/Membership.
No new reports of frequency co-ord problems /interference.
Old business: None.
New Business: The January meeting will be with National Weather Service at
Hubbard Studios.
We are still working on a Channel 2/11 presentation for ATSC 3.0 info.
There were no nominations or self nominations for chapter
officer positions. Existing officers have aggreed to continue in currant posts.
No objections were made.
(For the good of the Chapter: The next Certification exam date period is
February 3rd to Feb. 13th. The application deadline for this is (was) January 6th.
The National SBE office has launched the SBE Mentor program partnering new
or young engineers with the more “seasoned” for mentoring, learning etc.
(Look under the “education” tab on the National SBE website)
Since I couldn’t hear as well all the verbal info from Bob Hoffman, (let alone write
it all down fast enough) Bob was kind enough to supply his notes to be part of
these minutes.
We adjourned meeting about 6:26 pm.
Respectfully submitted by-
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 Meeting August 25th, 2022 in person
(at Hubbard Studios)
Chairman Terrence called the meeting to order at 12:10pm.
Introductions were done quickly.
Minutes were Submitted and approved.
Treasurer report: minimal expense this year, 2 or 3 lunches
plus holiday party so far.
EAS: The reason for the meeting today IS EAS and the new
Missouri State plan. There is a possibility of an NPT
being scheduled for 2023.
Nothing new on Certification/Membership, Frequency
Co-ord, or Old business.
New Business:
We are still looking for an in person mtg. at Ch 2/11 for
some introduction to ATSC Three.
Nothing reported for “the good of the chapter”.
We adjourned at 12:16 pm for some long awaited Missouri
State EAS Plan information on changes with Mr. Bob Moore.
respectfully submitted by
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 Meeting July 28th 2022 in person
(at the Next Best Thing Traveling presentation)
Meeting was called to order 11:29 am.
Introductions were on Name tags (Presenter supplied)
Minutes were Submitted and approved.
Treasurer report: minimal expense this year, One lunch
plus holiday party so far. Non-profit 990 form is being filed.
We Sent our National SBE rebate check back for use by
The Ennis Foundation Classes.
EAS: No NPT this yr, a tentative plan for NPT in 2023.
John Masters reported that with Sage EAS units , Sage
“boxes” can only be repaired at their factory.
Nothing new on Certification/Membership, Frequency
Co-ord, or Old business.
New Business: Bob Moore is scheduled to our August In person
meeting at Hubbard Studios- to outline the long awaited revised
Missouri State EAS plan. (August 25th).
We are still looking for an in person mtg. at Ch 2/11
Nothing reported for “the good of the chapter”.
We adjourned at 11:38 pm for some hands on shopping.
respectfully submitted by
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 Meeting June 23 2022 via Zoom
Meeting was called to order 12:02pm
Introductions were on Zoom.
Minutes were sent by e-mail, accepted.
Treasurer report: minimal expense this year -good shape.
Several $K in cash acct. with also aprox 30k in Ed Jones
investment acct.
EAS: No National Periodic test this yr.
The Missouri plan is finally revisited and we plan to
find out from Bob Moore August 25th (at Hubbard studios)
Nothing new on Certification/Membership, Frequency
Co-ord, or Old business.
New Business: July 28th The Next Best Thing conference/demo\
with 25 vendors this year. (Same Church parking lot as last year)
August 25th meeting in person at Hubbard with Bob Moore
with the New Missouri EAS Plan
Nothing submitted for the good of the Chapter.
We adjourned at 12:08pm to a presentation by SCMS
respectfully submitted by
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 May 26 2022 (noon) Zoom meeting.
Chairman Terrence called the meeting to order 12:03pm
Introductions were inherent with Zoom.
Minutes were submitted, “ok”ed.
Treasurer report: Low expences due to covid. the Christmas
celebration was the most of expense. Our Edward Jones acct was
EAS: per FEMA, no NTP this year- Maybe 2023.
Cert/Membership: No new data.
Frequencies/ Interference nothing new. (any frequenics left to co/ord?)
No old business provided.
New business: July 28, 11:am at the same Lutheran Church lot as last,
year The Next best thing traveling display will have 25 vendors.
Bob Moore would like our attention and presence for (finally) changes
to the Missouri EAS State Plan. (August 25th)
For the good of the Chapter: Chris Kreger Has “zoom” door prizes for the
first 6 attendees to send him an e-mail.
We adjourned at 12:12pm to Jeff Welton (Nautel) –always informatative
and forward looking to our industry.
Respectfully Submitted by
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 February 24, 2022 Zoom Meeting (Noon)
Meeting called to order 12:04pm
Introductions were Zoom on screen.
Minutes were sent via e-mail previously.
Treasury Report: Deposit account to be reviewed in March
due to maturity. IRS form 990 (Non-profit) will be filed.
Committee reports: EAS: nothing new. Cert./Membership-
nothing new reported.
Frequencyco-ord/interference: nothing reported.
Old business: nothing submitted.
New Business, Certification Exams to given at the NAB in
April and a set of exams from June 3rd to June 13th. April 15th
is the application deadline.
We are looking for a a Channel 2 and 11 transmitter site presentation
in person. ATSC 3.0 would be the subject.
Nothing said “for the good of the Chapter”.
Adjournment was at 12:11pm to a presentation from Tieline.
Respectfully submitted by,
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 January 31, 2022 Zoom Meeting (Noon)
Meeting called to order 12:04pm
Introductions were done by Zoom displays.
Minutes were sent via e-mail previous day-accepted this meeting.
Treasury Report: good shape– Expenditures in 2021 were, $1,100
for the SBE55.org web upgrade and aprox. $1,200 for the Christmas
celebration/ meeting (December 2nd). Non profit tax forms will be
filed timely.
Committee reports: EAS–NAT was mostly ok but had issues in
parts of Illinois. a DHS originating of an RMT was missed. A test
which shouldn’t have left a MSHP facility, did.
Nothing new on Certification/membership orCo-ord/ Interference.
Nothing reported on Old Business.
New Business, Tie-Line will present on February 24th (Zoom mtg.)
We are looking for some future meetings as face to face.
Certification Exams to given at the NAB in April an a set of exams
from June 3rd to June 13th.
Nothing said “for the good of the Chapter”.
Adjournment was at 12:10pm to a presentation by Shulins Solutions.
Respectfully submitted by,
Tom Lyons
SBE Chapter 55 December 2nd 2022 Meeting/ holiday party at Hearth Room
(Note: Bob Hoffman was absent). His program information
was pre supplied to Chairman Terrence Dupuis.
6:37 Meeting was called to order.
Introductions were made
Minutes were submitted to Terrence .
Treasury is in good order. 990N tax form was filed in October.
EAS: Nothing new was reported.
Nothing new was entered for Certification/Membership.
No new reports of frequency coord problems /interference.
old business: None.
New Business: Jan 27th Paul Shulins (Shulins Solutions) will present on Zoom.
Tieline will present at a subsequent meeting.
(Thanks to Tieline for supplying deluxe door/attendance prizes.)
Very deluxe door prizes were distributed.
There were no nominations or self nominations for chapter
officer positions. Existing officers have agreed to continue in current posts.
Nothing submitted specifically for “the good of the chapter”.
We adjourned meeting about 6:55pm.
Respectfully submitted by-
Tom Lyons